Bill Culter, Recycling Coordinator for Sullivan County spoke at our 3/24/21 meeting.  When it comes to the inside scoop on how our solid waste is handled and recycled, no one knows the system better than Bill.  He began by letting our membership know all of the facilities available in our county that handle the mountain of disposed materials generated by our community.  He then gave us a detailed explanation of how the recycling program in Sullivan County operates, including some helpful advice about the objects that can be recycled and those that are better thrown away.(Check out the Recycling Brochure for more details:  Our county has a extensive program for recycling of materials of many kinds.  If you are not sure what to do with some discarded item, check with the transfer station or Bill to find out the proper action to take.
One program that the county is working on is a system to compost our organic materials to generate quality soils.  The area generates about 80,000 tons of waste each year for disposal.  It is estimated that about 30% of that may be organically based and suitable for composting.  Cutler tells us that by diverting and reclaiming just 4,000 tons (5%) of our organic waste will save  $320,000 per year in disposal tip fees!
We thank Bill for his interesting and helpful presentation.  To find out more about Sullivan County's solid waste management system, use the links and information in the rest of this article.

Sullivan County Department of Solid Waste and Recycling

100 North Street, P.O. Box 5012

Monticello, NY 12701

Telephone: 845-807-0290




Recycling Brochure: