This year's Liberty Rotary Club Coat Drive and Distribution was even more successful than one could have imagined. A large crowd arrived early at our October 28th distribution event, which featured about 500 coats to choose from and hundreds of children's outfits. Liberty Rotarians assisted the patrons and helped them find the sizes and styles that suited them best. Coats moved out rapidly and virtually everyone that attended was able to get outerwear to assure their families would be able to keep warm this winter. By the end of the event only 5 coats remained. Most of the children's outfits had been claimed as well.
Thank you so very much to all those that donated and collected coats to make this event possible. Additional thanks to all the Rotarians that donated, collected, organized, set-up and assisted customers at this exceptionally important and rewarding event. Thanks to your exceptional efforts, a tremendous number of our community members are going to be kept warm this winter.